The School District of Lee County and Sunshine Elementary School utilizes SchooMessenger Communicate to share important information from our School and the district. SchoolMessenger Communicate enables us to send you emergency broadcasts, attendance alerts and event notifications and reminders. In addition, a companion app, SchoolMessenger Chat, allows teachers and parents to directly communicate with each other, individually or in groups.
To sign up for your free account, visit https://go.schoolmessenger.com. You will login using the email address we have on file for you. Once you have an account, you can set your communication preferences for school calls, emails, texts and more. We have also placed a detailed user guide on our website. You can also download the app by going to the App Store or Google Play on your phone.
Sunshine Elementary’s preferred way to contact you is via text messages. PLEASE text “yes” to 67587. This will ensure that you continue to receive any announcements related to our school community.
To opt in for text messages, on each wireless phone you want to receive text messages, you will need to text either one of these words: subscribe, optin or yes to the phone number 67587. You will know you were successful if you receive the following reply message: You are registered 4 School Messenger notifications. Reply STOP to cancel, HELP for help. Msg&data rates may apply. Msg freq. varies. schoolmessenger.com/txt
SchoolMessenger Communicate is an easy way for us to keep in touch with you, and provide information you need to know about your child’s education. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the school.
SchoolMessenger® Communicate - Flyer (English)
SchoolMessenger® Communicate - Flyer (Spanish)
SchoolMessenger Communicate - Flyer (Haitian Creole)
SchoolMessenger® Communicate - Frequently Asked Questions