Before and After School Program

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For Registration: Registration Payment

For Weekly Payments: Weekly Payments

Before and After School Program

Sunshine Elementary School
Sun Up to Sun Down
Before and After School Program

Director: Ms. McDowell
[email protected]

The goal of the Sun Up to Sun Down program is to provide an alternative environment for the children of our working parents.

Our Objectives are:

  • Homework Assistance
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Physical Activities
  • Social Interaction

Hours of Operation:

  • AM Program - 6:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
  • PM Program - 3:10 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.

Early Dismissal Days:

There are no fee-based programs on these days. (On these weeks the flat rate will be prorated. Ex. 4 day week = $40.00 flat rate). There are morning programs on these days.

Registration & Weekly Fee:

  • $25.00 per enrollee/$40.00 per family* (*2 or more siblings)
  • Morning Care Program Fee: $25.00 per week flat fee, per child
  • Afternoon Program Fee: $50.00 per week flat fee, per child
  • $1.00 per minute late charge per child if child is picked up after closing time. Late fees need to be paid upon arrival.
  • Three late pick-ups will result in dismissal from the program as outlined in the fee-based guidelines.
  • This is a pre-paid program. Accounts must be kept current. Payments are due by the Friday prior to the participating week.
  • Due to Florida Statue, any account not paid by the Friday prior to the participating week, will result in your child/children not being able to attend our program until your account is brought current.

Registration Form